lunes, 8 de mayo de 2017


1. Analiza las siguientes oraciones.

1. El presidente ha entregado a mi vecino una carta esta mañana.
2. Sus ojos estaban bastante rojos.
3. Los espectadores salían del estadio muy contentos.
  1. 4.A su amigo le ha entusiasmado el poema de Bécquer.
  2. 5.El entrenador del equipo rival se ha quejado del mal estado del césped.
  3. 6.Esos dos eucaliptos fueron cortados ayer por los leñadores.
  4. 7.¡María y Pedro se besaron en el parque!
  5. 8.El incendio fue apagado por los bomberos.
  6. 9. Nadie se percató de su ausencia.
  7. 10. Juan, trae el balón ahora.

martes, 4 de abril de 2017

miércoles, 22 de marzo de 2017


- Ron is in London at the moment. He is staying at the Park Hotel. He always stays there when he's in London. 
- Can we stop walking soon? I am starting to feel tired.
- Can you drive? I am learning. My father is teaching me.
- Normally I finish work at 5.00, but this week I am working till 6.00 to earn a bit more money.
- My parents live in Bristol. They were born there and have never lived anywhere else. Where does your parents live?
- Sonia is looking for a place to live. She is staying with her sister until she finds somewhere.
- What does your father do? He's an architect but he is not working at the moment.
- (at a party) Usually I enjoy parties but I am not enjoying this one very much.
- The train is never late. It always leaves on time.
- Jim is very untidy. He is always leaving his things all over the place.

- The car is useless. It is always breaking down.
- Oh no, not again. I am always making the same mistake.
- Typical! You are always leaving the lights on.